Season 4, Episode 2.... The bloodbath de ...

Season 4, Episode 2.... The bloodbath debrief.

Mar 30, 2021

Alrighty... I've already made some HUGE changes to prevent what happened to this group. SpicyThunder, a great friend to the community unleashed 2 ogres (Random Encounter) on them just as they started in the Entry Well. The fight went poorly, some diplomacy went poorly with a possible way out... and when shit started to look up. GlidingEagle came in and shat all over the light at the end of the tunnel.

Results -
4 players killed
1 player beaten to a pulp and robbed.
1 player survived and rescued the beaten and robbed player and they both escaped.

First things first, made a bad call on held spells. Learned from my mistakes already, that's what DMing is all about learning from your mistakes and improving on them.

Secondly, I am only starting the stream 15 minutes prior to "Launch Time" and there is a 60 minute delay on the Random Encounters table now.

Elymas - Who was beaten and robbed, may be retiring right now. We're talking with the player and the guild leader to see the best course of action there.

Malark - The monk who survived is helping form a new guild / reforming a guild that was planned before.

Yes, some things could've been done better on both ends, we are evolving from that. I feel like the Helmed Horrors were played as they would've run.

I has also been shown, that once players clear certain areas... they may change completly to fill the power void that you've left behind. That's backend work for me, but I'm loving it. I really enjoy giving you all a unique experience while playing in Undermountain.

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