Toxic Fat Increases Diabetes!

Toxic Fat Increases Diabetes!

Nov 15, 2021

I think that we have all been made aware that eating too much sugar or carbs will increase your risk of developing diabetes.

However, are you aware that a build-up of toxic fats called ceramides may make you even more susceptible to diabetes?

Excess amounts of ceramides become toxic fat metabolites that impact the way the body handles nutrients such as vitamins. Ceramides also interferes with the way the body responds to insulin and the way it "burns" energy.

When ceramides start to accrue in the body, the adipose tissue will stop operating properly and fat will spill out into the heart, blood vessels, and into other tissues which creates a lot of damage.

Did you know that white fat tissue is due to the accumulation of toxic ceramides and will increase your resistance to insulin?

According to Dr. Summers in this article, there are some regulatory factors when fat makes the decision to either be stored, burned, or go to ceramides.

Inflammation, infections, and cortisol stress will drive fat into the ceramide pathway.

As far as I can tell, to lower the amount of ceramides in your body consume adequate amounts of omega 3 and get rid of processed foods. Also, phytonutrients from fruits, vegetables, and other plant foods help to remove this toxic fat.

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