My name is Adam. You likely arrived here because you are a frequent user of Delim.co, and thank you for that!
This project is something I am very proud of. It started with a goal to solve an annoyance I had: that I so often needed to take a column of data from a spreadsheet, and built a query out of it for something.
After a few years, it seems tens of thousands of other people happen to have that same problem every day!
I have always maintained some light advertising on the website, but I try to ensure that advertising is out of the way and not interfering with the use of the website.
An update to delim.co is needed, and I wanted a way to interact with my most frequent users to see what they would like to see in the next iteration of the website. To that end, I am removing an ad block for a period of time to replace it out with the ability to ‘buy me a coffee’, and hopefully get some feedback from you on what you like, dislike, or wish to have!
Please share what you think would make Delim.co a better tool for you! Whether a change to what's there, something new that you'd like added, or just let me know what parts of the existing tool keep you coming back!
Coffee purchase is appreciated, but your input is the real value - feel free to also send me a message at delim.co.feedback@gmail.com with any comments you may have as well!
Thanks again for caring enough to come read this, your continued usage of delim.co, your feedback, and any consideration you give towards coffee!
For what it’s worth, I really enjoy coffee! My preference is a medium to strong roasted bean, ground fine and run through an aeropress. It’s quicker and easier than you think, and makes a great cup!
Rest assured, while most of the money that comes in will go towards new site development costs and server fees... some will absolutely go towards coffee :)
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