How To Start Creative Writing (Writing 1 ...

How To Start Creative Writing (Writing 101)

Apr 23, 2024

The craft of writing is overwhelming for many reasons. Where do you start? How do you write a good story? How do you make the characters pop off the page? How do you incorporate setting, genre, and mood into your stories? How do you create your own writing style? There are endless possibilities to the world of writing, and even the process of starting can break your mind. 

I have a few tips for individuals looking to start their writing journey:

Start Small

Schedule a writing time for 10 minutes, 2-3 times a week. Increase the time and frequency every two to three weeks. 

If you try to write every day, you will skip days. If you try to write for 30-90 minutes from the very beginning then you will procrastinate or get frustrated. 

Instead, it’s best to start small and gradually increase. Eventually you’ll find a time frame and frequency that works for you. 

Read Writing Craft Books

There are many professional authors who have great how-to-write books. These books will break down all the confusing elements of writing into easy-to-digest bits.

For beginners, I recommend the Writer’s Craft series by Rayne Hall, or the Elements of Fiction Writing series. Another great series is Write Great Fiction

Focus on One Thing

Writing has many elements to it: plot, description, characters, conflict, emotion, style, etc. Don’t try to do everything at once. Write small paragraphs or scenes, focusing on improving one element at a time. Write a scene focusing on description. Then write another scene focusing on dialogue. Write another scene focusing on characters. 

Accept That You Will Suck

You have to earn talent. It takes discipline, hard work, lots of studying, and some struggle to become a good writer. Don’t give up. Just accept that it will take a long time to get good at writing. You will not be great in a month, or even a year. It will take a lot of practice. 


Writing is an incredible way to learn about yourself, purge your emotions, and use your imagination for good. Enjoy the process.

Need some help in your writing journey? Check out my Youtube channel videos and downloadable workbooks on writing for beginners.

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