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Clayman Beta Dev Update 4.8.2022

Clayman Beta Dev Update 4.8.2022

Aug 04, 2022

Hello my dear friends and supporters,
as I have mentioned in the previous update posts, there are many updates, improvements and couple new features introduced into Clayman, so let me highlight some of them in this update!

Library Updates!
New Library views for Polyhaven and Amd MatX (and Quixel aswell) have their own views! Means each Library view is now separated in its own tab. The filesystem structure is also separated so your download assets dont mix with your imported ones.

Amd MatX Assets

PolyHaven Assets

The online sources (Amd and PolyHaven) need to be enabled to show in the view. There are also couple other options in the preferences.

You are able to create Variants for a package, lets see how easy is to create one!

There are many other updates and improvements in the current Clayman build!
After more testing new update will be released acompanied by new help pages so you can learn the new tricks easier.

Thanks all for the feedback so far, it help me immensely to improve and find bugs I could miss and let them slip trough my sticky fingers.

See you on the next update!

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