D.Battle Update - Jan. 2024

D.Battle Update - Jan. 2024

Jan 10, 2024

Hello digital network partners. I wanted to reach out to you and provide a bit of an update of what is going on with the ministry and how God is continuing to expand our reach. As I mentioned earlier last summer, in addition to Bible with the Battles and the digital faith content I had been producing, we launched The House Digital Church (discipleship community) and I took a contract position with my local church as the campus pastor.

With that I have had to find balance with my family, work, and ministry. This caused a decrease in some of the digital content I was producing and a shift with my church planting mission, and what would eventually become an uptick in pastoral ministry. My wife and I decided we should take a season to re-envision what God wanted to do in and through our lives. We are still sorting out some of this, but we definitely remain committed to serving God's kingdom through a number of ministry expressions, particularly online and through the local church.

With my contract position as campus pastor, I have had the opportunity to help develop an app, which aligns with my vision of producing digital faith content. This exposure has opened the door to a whole new world of creativity that I didn't know existed. With this discovery, I have begun working with artificial intelligence to enhance ministry and business capabilities for myself and others. It has allowed me to unveil new brands and ventures that will be launching in 2024 and beyond.

One major announcement is that we have updated www.battleleadershipgroup.com to be hosted through a new platform called Pensight. This allows me to do virtual coaching, Q&A sessions, host video conferences, live events, sell digital products, offer services, provide courses, and much more. This also allows me to offer membership subscriptions, similar to what you are connected with here on buymeacoffee. Therefore, for all future memberships, I will host them on www.battleleadershipgroup.com through the Pensight platform. You will still keep your existing membership here at buymeacoffee, but the bulk of my activity will be over on Pensight.

I want to thank you again for all your support and contributions over the last few years and I pray you will continue to support me in the future.

In God's Service,

Pastor D. Battle

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