⭐️ Welcome 🚀

⭐️ Welcome 🚀

Feb 05, 2022


I truly value you're here.

I've set some humble goals for 2022 and further to create even more valuable content. From a few random posts, I take it seriously this year. You can expect an even bigger load of content in the upcoming weeks!

To direct you to a relevant account, check these links:

  • My LinkedIn Profile - I share anything work, security, remote work, work-life balance, digital nomad, opportunities, (work)inspiration, efficiency, customer experience, rethinking perspectives, etc. - related. (If you enjoy a certain type of content, send me a DM, I appreciate any feedback from you!)

  • My Instagram Profile - I love taking photos! I share photos from my travels & digital nomad life. I usually work more with the description as well. I share my latest inspiration, thoughts, philosophies, tips, or insights from the travel.

  • My Medium Blog - I've started blogging daily. It's much better for the longer content. I post there about life in Georgia, remote work, digital nomads life (and its traps), well-being, work-life balance, courage, my thoughts, anything! I have a lot of articles in the draft section, you can expect them to be published soon 😎

My plans for 2022 you are supporting if you buy me a coffee:

  • Continue creating valuable content on LI, IG, and Medium Blog. I plan to start using Buffer for simplified content sharing. The goal is to publish:

    • 1+post daily Mo-Fr on LI,

    • 1 post daily on IG,

    • 2 blog posts on Medium Blog weekly. (Reevaluated to be one+ longer post in two weeks).

  • Launch 2 content-based websites/projects gathering valuable knowledge in February&March 2022. Because they're in progress, I'll share more details once they're up. I have already paid for the domains and hosting :)

    • One of the projects will help people to improve their value on the job market.

    • The second project will help people wondering about moving to Georgia (no immigration services, but truly valuable content).

  • I have additional ideas I want to work at. (Currently, I have listed some 12+ other projects in my Notion personal notebook.)

  • Of course with additional resources, I will be able to travel even more. I could also allow myself more free time from work to write more. 🙏🏻

My financial goals from writing in 2022:

  • Feb 2022 - 50 EUR

  • Mar 2022 - 200 EUR

  • Apr 2022 - 400 EUR

  • May 2022 - 800 EUR

  • Jun 2022 - 1200 EUR

More resources would allow me to create more and broader content. However, even reaching the goals listed above would make me crazily grateful. It would be a true miracle.

I truly value your support, even if 'only' a mental one. It means a lot to me. I respect your time and energy. If you have any feedback, send it to me. I will read it. It helps me broaden my overview and understanding. Thanks again.

About me
My name is Sam. I strive every day to become a better self - I meditate, read books, learn new skills by doing (I love cooking, gardening, or cybersecurity!), workout/walk regularly, read philosophy, get in touch with my mentors (!)... I don't shy away from saying 'no'.
I reflect regularly and try to be as much aware and here&now, as I can. This helps me to leave quickly what doesn't make sense to me. I do only what I love (and I am generously grateful for it). I try to be kind & helpful, but I learn to set up my boundaries too. If there's something I can bring back to this world, then it's to share these little insights that worked for me, with others.

I LOVE when I get a message like 'hey, you changed the way I see the world. You changed my life.' And I keep getting them. ❤️
I WISH people supported those they are inspired by. Even if only with their feedback. It means a lot. I also wish people saw the good around and in the others and found it in themselves too.

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