Buy DavidB a coffee

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Membership for the masses


You're poor. Me too, that's why I have this Buy me a Coffee thing in the first place. So, this is a very cheap membership for those of you who don't own a rolex.

  • Support me on a monthly basis

Membership for hipsters


You're well-off but you like to pretend you're not. You have paid your mortgage or are almost finished paying it. You like to buy those fancy overpriced coffees with silly names in chain coffee shops? Why don't you help me finance my own coffee addiction on a regular basis?

  • Support me on a monthly basis

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Membership for the bourgeoisie


You're part of the elite, the beautiful people, the oligarchy. And yet, somehow, you like what I do (I'm not judging). So you want to thank me. Or maybe you're just afraid that I'll come and eat out, so you're trying to bribe me? No problem, bribe away. It'll be much appreciated. 

  • Support me on a monthly basis

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