Golden Bloggerz Award Nomination

Golden Bloggerz Award Nomination

Jun 09, 2021

This afternoon, as I was doing my typical daily routine of checking social media, I saw that someone on Twitter nominated me for the Golden Bloggerz Award!

It was an incredibly nice midday surprise, so I wanted to write this post as a way of saying thanks.

First, the Rules:

  1. Place the award logo on your blog

  2. Mention the rules.

  3. Thank whoever nominated you and place a link to their website

  4. Mention the award’s creator & provide a link too.

  5. Tell your audience 3 things about you

  6. Nominate 10 – 20 people who deserve this award

  7. Let your nominees know by messaging/commenting on their Social Media or their blog

  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions you want.

  9. Share 2-3 links to your best posts

Thank you for the Nomination!

I was kindly nominated by Irene from My Novel Year. I highly suggest checking out her blog if you haven't already.

As an aspiring author, she started her blog to document her journey in writing and publishing her first novel, which is one of the more unique blogging concepts I've ever heard of. Plus, her content is fantastic and anyone even remotely interested in creative writing would benefit from reading it.

Golden Bloggerz Award

The Golden Bloggerz Award was created by Chris Kosto as a way of helping more bloggers reach new readers. The way it works is similar to a pyramid scheme, only instead of being a scam that serves to drain money from hapless investors, it's a positive tool used to motivate and reward hardworking writers! So... a good pyramid scheme, I guess? 🤷‍♀️

Basically, bloggers who are nominated follow the above rules and nominate other bloggers that they feel should be recognized. And so on and so on.

Three Things About Me:

  1. I wrote a fiction novel last year - which was one of my lifelong goals - and am now in the process of trying to publish it (which... is stressful, lol.)

  2. I'm divorced and have a child, that I'm raising on my own. Luckily, I have a lot of family and friends nearby who offer a great deal of support, but I don't get anything from the father. It's a long story, but basically, after our divorce, he decided he didn't want to be part of our lives.

  3. I have a "day job" too - I actually work in healthcare and have multiple degrees, including one in psychology. Writing has always been my passion, but it's not how I pay the bills. I am, however, hoping that one day I'll be able to write for a living.

Questions from Irene @MyNovelYear:

  1. What’s your favorite work of art?

    I love this question, first of all! Secondly, I'm a huge art lover so I actually have two answers to share: there's a specific ceramic sculpture by Viola Frey that I absolutely love. And also, Monet's Water Lilies. I know that one's fairly cliche, but I've seen several of them in person and I have to say, they're unbelievable.

  2. What’s something you’re looking forward to?

    I'm really looking forward to seeing my family again - last year, all the family get-togethers and holidays were canceled, so I'm really excited about having a real Thanksgiving and Christmas this year.

  3. What is your favorite treat?

    Probably ice cream - cherry, pistachio, and mint chocolate chip are all fantastic choices.

  4. Where would you most like to travel, assuming finances are not an issue?

    I think I'd like to go to Italy - there's a lot of cultural landmarks, architecture, and artwork in Rome that I'd love to see. Plus, the beach looks absolutely stunning.

  5. How do you like to unwind after a long day?

    I love to read - taking a bubble bath with a good book is incredibly relaxing.

My Best Posts:

I'm not 100% sure how one determines their "best" blog posts, but here are the three that I like the most and/or that mean the most to me:

Getting Dumped During a Pandemic - to date, this is the most personal story I've shared on my blog. It was difficult to write, but I got such a great reaction from readers which made it worthwhile.

Why Orbiting Your Ex is A Terrible Idea - this was actually a guest post by John, my boyfriend, and the reason I love it so much is partly because of that. It's also a really well-written article and he brings up a lot of interesting points that I wouldn't necessarily have thought of.

Dear Dating Bitch: My Boyfriend Thinks I'm Ugly - in this advice column, I answer a reader who wrote in about feeling insecure about her appearance. It's an issue I think a lot of women can relate to and I included some personal stuff in this one too.

And Finally, I Nominate:

There are so many great bloggers I follow on various social media platforms, but here are ten that I'm nominating today. Please check out their blogs if you get a chance!

The Damsel in Dating Distress

Brianna Stryker Writes

Inspiring Positively

Dating Millennial

Riyah Speaks

Blog Life with Erica

Jacqueline of All Trades

Biren's Instinct

Jane Friedman

Olivia Lucie Blake

Pay it Forward: 5 Questions

Here are my five questions for the above nominees to answer in their own blog post (if they choose, of course):

  1. What do you like most about blogging?

  2. What do you like least?

  3. What is your favorite book?

  4. What is your biggest vice?

  5. What was your worst breakup?

Thanks again for the nomination, Irene! And thank you for reading.

xoxo, Katie

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