Darknight Tribe Description

Darknight Tribe Description

May 14, 2021

Real music is DEAD!

Or so feel many of the remaining 1% of music passionates in this era of over-processed, uncreative music, and the "Cardi B"s doing the Grammy Music Award ceremony (and lip-synched, of course).

Hey! It's Darknight. Alternative Instrumental Rock/Prog Composer.

I'm glad that you found your way to Darknight Tribe - No matter how it happened, if you're a real music passionate, you're definitely at the right place.

And let me just say, get ready...

Cause what you're about to experience, has NEVER been done before.

I'm going to show you how to get instant access to 3 exclusive songs ("Qualm", "In Heaven", and "Unexpected") that I've never released to ANYONE... (they're from my first composed album ever, "A Different Path", 2011, unreleased)

I'm gonna tell you exactly how to get my next releases a few MONTHS before the official release date.

And most of all, you're gonna have the chance to experience the most uncompromising, unique and epic music adventure of the 21th century, from an INSIDER, behind-the-scenes perspective.

"...Then comes along someone who clearly has the talent to rebalance everything and give a fresh passionate musical piece..."

"You know, it takes a hell of a lot to impress me these days in the music of heavy rock & metal as it's forever being reworked, usually overdone to the extremes and spoiling the music too. Then comes along someone who clearly has the talent to rebalance everything and give a fresh passionate musical piece and Now is the time which does just that."

-Ian G. (about "Darknight - Well, It's Time")

Professional Photographer, Music Passionate

California, USA

"...I want to say it's unbelievable, but that just doesn't seem to cut it..."

Even though "Well, It's Time" has indeed inspired a lot of music passionates while granting praises from music fans...

Cheryl A. Campbell

Music passionate

Toronto, Canada

and music professionals alike...

"This is a very well brilliantly composed, brilliantly mixed track. I am so impressed hearing this beautiful masterpiece that you've created. Great use of reverb for depth, delay, I also like the phase effect you've put in, creative panning, and I love how wide the width is and yet hasn't distorted the image. it's great work."

Daniel Deelchand

Sound Engineer for UnlockYourSoundStudio & Arsenal FC
London, UK

From radio hosts...

Ricky Stallion

Radio Host

To Rockstars...

"Sounds good [...} moody, Pink Floyd-esque, very melodic [...]"

Ryan Roxie, guitarist of Alice Cooper about "Darknight - Well, It's Time"

...From fans of old school progressive rock...

...To fans of classic and "classy" rock ;)...

Bill Opland

Guitarist and Music Passionate


...To fans and musicians of modern progressive metal...

Rick Massie

Progressive Metal musician

Yukon, Canada

...To those who love instrumental rock guitarists...

Joseph Burt

Truck Driver and Music Passionate

Indianapolis, IN, USA

...To those who are usually not so much fans of instrumentals...

Thomas Walsh

Long term fan of Alice in Chains

Vancouver, Canada

Many still felt like just waiting for the official releases was a suboptimal way to experience this one-off music adventure.

And while experiencing Darknight's music adventure from the inside has still been, until now, the privilege of a very few number of people from Darknight's close social circle...

...Well, it's time.

M. DeAlias Gestour

Professor, Researcher, Author

After a lot of passionate feedbacks and requests...

I had to unfortunately let you on your thirst so far - as I was working on a solution to offer my most passionate fans way more than what I offer to the public - and way before!

But now, it's finally there! It's time for me to offer you, as a real music passionate, the opportunity to be part of music history, as you join me on this history making, epic music adventure, as it's emerging!

Just click the "join" button on the right of the screen (or below, if you're on phone), and let's make a mark in music history.

Note: As a Darknight Tribe ALPHA Member, you'll literally make a mark in music history, as you'll have your name in the songs credits.


  • Your name in the credits of the next releases (for annual subscriptions only - or after 3 months if subscribed monthly)

  • Instant access to 3 exclusive, unreleased songs by Darknight from his first composed album "A Different Path" (2011, unreleased). Tracks : 1) Qualm, 2) In Heaven, 3) Unexpected

  • Instant access to all the behind-the-scenes and exclusive videos posted so far

  • Instant access to the Tribe-only comment section (forum-style) for exclusive conversations with Darknight & the Tribe - and the opportunity to ask your questions directly to Darknight

  • Instant access to blog posts by Darknight about his vision, his backstory, his values, his interests outside of music and his future steps in his music career - and the possibility to comment and ask questions to keep the conversation going.

  • Instant access to the Tribe Polls : Influence directly various aspect of my career (such as live setlists, tour locations...)

  • Instant access to exclusive, Tribe-only merch with designs that aren't available anywhere else

  • NEW : Get tagged on my music social media posts, with a special "thanks" mention as a Tribal.


  • At LEAST one raw unreleased song / raw snippet per month of an upcoming masterpiece per month (often times more) - these raw snippets are oftentimes a few MONTHS before they're fully produced and released

  • Access to fully completed next releases at least a MONTH before the official release date (often times before)

  • (coming soon) Exclusive Tribe-only live streams

  • Regular discounts and special Tribe-only offers on merch

  • VIP ticket pre-sales and discounts

And more, as the adventure continues...

Darknight Tribe FAQ

Q: Why did you use BuyMeACoffee to host Darknight Tribe ?

Darknight: I chose the platform BuyMeACoffee as they give me the possibility to host a private space for my inner community, while giving you the opportunity to access it through a monthly membership, starting at the price of a Coffee per month (hence the name), which allows you to be part of this adventure, month after month, without breaking the bank

Q: Why do you use euros and not dollars (for my american friends) ?

Darknight: Because I'm from Algeria, and my bank account that I use here for e-payment is based in France. And I noticed that Paypal would take a conversion cut every time if I use prices displayed on Dollars, so that's why my prices are now displayed in Euros! (it doesn't change anything for you, no added fees)

Q: Why don't you release all your unreleased music publicly, right now?

Darknight: You probably noticed that every artist you like follows a precise schedule when it comes to releasing music, they do this in order to maximize the promotional potential of the song, through press, music platforms, etc.

But it doesn't mean that they composed that music at that time, they might have composed it months or a year before!

Q: Why do you share unreleased music (exclusively) in Darknight Tribe?

Well, I'm no different than the artists I described above. I do follow a schedule and plans for my official releases, but everytime a fan or listener passionately asks me for more music, I'm fighting with myself not to send them what I got cookin'!

I was looking for a solution as I needed a trusted, private place where I can share these, and only with people who I can actually trust - because if someone shares an unreleased song publicly, that's no good! - That's how Darknight Tribe came as the perfect solution.

Q: Can I send you a private message once I join the Tribe?

Yes! All members of Darknight Tribe have the possibility to send me private messages, additionally to the Tribe conversations that we have here with the other Tribe members.

I give a particular attention to my DMs on Darknight Tribe compared to the messages I receive on social medias.

Have more questions?

Feel free to contact me on my website at www.darknighthimself.com/contact , or directly DM me here on the Tribe if you join right now, as you have access to me personally via as soon as you join the Tribe.

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