Happy burns/haggis night. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Happy burns/haggis night. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Jan 26, 2022

image Me and Charlotte couldn’t catch a haggis while we were out today but we did manage to come across some absolutely amazing scenery! 😁

We decided to have a short walk which turned into a 5 hour walk doing 11 miles which is amazing especially on my ankle. We walked over cliff faces, fulmar’s flying real close with breathtaking acrobatic’s and the crisp cold sea salty air flowing past our faces. When we’re able to do things like this again, nothing else simply matters, the past has already been done and the future is a mystery. This moment, like every other time we’re out, will live long in our life’s and the writing we do for everyone and our experiences will live within you as well.

After travelling for 2 hours we arrived at the Vat of Kirbuster, a collapsed cave on the east side of the island that has been trashed by thousands of years of Orkcadian weather. The middle of the cave couldn’t hold the weight and collapsed, creating a stunning naturally occurring ring wall with a bridge that would terrify anyone who’d dare to walk across it! Fulmar’s nested in the cliff edges while seals peaked their heads up to see who the strange couple and dog were.

This was the last place to see on the island before we move off again. We’re so excited for what we’ll see including Shetland, then coming down the east coast of Scotland and England.

2022 is just beginning and we can’t wait to share it all with you. 🤗

Love from Dan&Char 💖

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