Hello, Phoenix!

Mar 12, 2024

And hello to you. It's been a while.

Things have been super busy and in a really productive way. More on that soon. I've been particularly busy the past 48 hours because my bags are packed and I'm heading off to the USA for 5 days!

Why? It's the 2024 International Acromegaly Community Conference and I've been invited over.

You may remember the last AcroTale I recorded was with Jill Sisco, the President of the community. She's kindly invited me over, and I cannot wait to see some old faces and meet new ones too.

Books are packed. Video and microphones packed. Shorts and t-shirts packed (though, unbelievably, it looks like it might rain!).

To get all the latest updates, just 'buy me a biscuit'. And if you're interested in joining the conference virtually -sign up here!

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