Trying out another BMaC Feature

Trying out another BMaC Feature

Jul 19, 2021

Announced on Twitter (and elsewhere, presumably) today (19 July 2021) is a new "link tree" tool called Another place to add vectors which point where I want or need them to? Sure, why not?

They have included the usual social platform link icons, and as is almost always the case, "one of the platforms I use is missing." Maybe more than one. Given that it's only been launched for a few hours, that can slide.

My BMaC profile page will continue to be a central hub of links to projects and other such things, so add another place to be found.

For what it's worth, I think the future of social media really should swing toward reference rather than value. That is, I should own my content and where it's hosted, and then publish links to it. The tools to do this (to share and to consume) are already out there, in the form of OpenGraph,, Twitter cards, syndication feeds via RSS and Atom, newsletters, and more.

Note that I am typing this post into the BMaC post editor for posting on their platform, rather than taking my own advice and publishing my thoughts on my own blog or other place (platform, whatever) and then sharing a link to it here, but this comes down to my own original intellectual property versus my meta commentary about those items. I consider this the latter.

Anyway, another place to find my stuff, thanks for reading!

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