Recent supporters

BabastickiSandwich bought 10 coffees.
It's been truly a wonderful ride to hear rewatch episodes of my all-time favorite comedy sitcom! From start to finish, we've made it! Quite the accomplishment to see this podcast make it to the end! All these years later, it was so thrilling to hear and know I wasn't the only kid (outside my family) who were truly enthralled and entertained by Perfect Strangers. Thank you Imran and Sofia for making this possible to re-live, re-laugh, and remember how much this show meant to us as kids from the 80s!

Barb Weatherbee bought 5 coffees.
I just recently found this podcast and I’m so sorry that I’m so late catching on. I will eventually get to all of them thanks for all your work on this.

Pam Hitchcock bought 3 coffees.
Love the show and interactions.

BabastickiSandwich bought 10 coffees.
Congratulations to making 100 podcast episodes of my most Fah-vorite comedy sitcom show! Celebratory bibbi bobkas and fresh coffee to Imran and Sofia for putting on such a fun show of a tv classic 🥳