March Update

Mar 25, 2021

Hey friends,

I hope you're doing ok. Spring is here, we've had some sun in the UK which isn't always guaranteed.

I've created my first Vision Board, see below. I kind of love it, I shared it on Instagram but wanted to discuss it a bit more here.


So my Vision Board is kind of split in two with plans for my brand and personal life.

My Brand

For Rainbow Vegans Rock and my brand in general - my main goals for 2021 include getting monetised on YouTube. This requires 1000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours. I'm currently at 112 subscribers and 240 watch hours.

However I feel like the more I learn about video editing and get comfortable in front of the camera - the more likely I'll be to reach this milestone.

Once my debt is paid I'll be able to save for a camera as well to improve my videos even more.

However, my main goal isn't to make money. If I can help just a handful of people to live more sustainably and or switch to a vegan diet - then I'll be happy. Supporting my family financially would just be a bonus.


On a personal front my long term goals are to make my home and life more minimal. I've always been intrigued my minimalism but having children has definitely been a struggle - leaving my home more cluttered than I'd like.

I'm also in the future hoping to purchase my first home, a cottage or piece of land and work my way towards living self sufficiently. I don't mind the modern comforts like heating and the internet but I know I could live without them.

I spent a few months on a Yurt camp in Portugal, with some old friends back in 2009 and although I wasn't ready to leave the comforts of England back then. I still knew that it was something I would be aiming for in the future. Whether I leave England to do it or stay here, I know that growing my own food and producing my own energy is a definite goal for the future.

I hope you like my vision board.

Speak soon and take care,



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