6 Golden Facts that why should you Drink ...

6 Golden Facts that why should you Drink the Craft Beer

Oct 05, 2020

Due to high demands, the craft beer industry is increasing rapidly throughout Canada and the rest of the world. Craft beer is prepared by the small local and independent brewers who work tirelessly to create rich, unique flavors that the macro brewers hardly ever achieve in their large breweries. It refers to a beer that is not brewed by one of the big mega brewery corporations.

I want to share some golden points; why should you drink craft beer?

1. You will not forget taste for a long time: No doubt, alcohol consumption is still growing well, but taste matters to us. The craft beer has superior taste that why more than 48% of adults give it priority. Many craft brewers are passionate about the taste and flavor of their beer. In the current scenario, producers are investing their time and energy to improve the beer quality.

2. Health benefits: According to the new research, taking craft beer has many health benefits due to abundant fiber, vitamin B3, a vast range of antioxidants, and a rich source of silicon. Due to the high-quality ingredients used to brew it, you can get the unbelievable health advantages. Some health benefits, such as:

1. Prevent the joint issues

2. Enhance high-density lipoprotein, which help in lower cholesterol

3. Improve bone density due to the presence of silicon

4. Lower rates of cardiovascular disease

3. Available in different flavors: There are thousands of delicious craft beers you can find in Canada. You can find many varieties for craft beer than the standard more extensive beer sold by major brewers.

4. A beer for every season: If you are looking for a beer that you can enjoy for all season, craft beer can cater to your requirement beyond the expectations. More than 85% of craft beer drinkers choose the drink based on the season, but craft beer is made for all seasons.

5. Great chance to support the local economy: Do you want to contribute to the community's economy where you live? Drinking locally made craft beer can help the local farmers and generate new employment opportunities in your locality.

6. Higher Alcohol: An average craft beer ranges from 5-10% abv, but some may go over 20%. You may probably be surprised to know that the big beer companies are selling you beer water. It is a leading cause that you will love to consume craft beer more.

However, if you are looking for liquor delivery in Calgary for different craft beers at your door, you can choose the Liquora Drive; it is one of the fastest growing online liquor stores that offer a wide range of beer, wine, whisky, vodka, Tequila, and more at the reasonable price. If you love giving surprise to your friends, you can order online craft beers at our store with the fastest online delivery without any hassle. Our online store provides your favorite beer at the unbeaten price that you will not find on others.

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