March Raffle for Supporters!

Mar 06, 2021

Hello, kind friends! Just wanted to give you a heads-up that everyone who supports us in March 2021 will have a chance to receive a Totally Cool Thing—your very own, real-life, hard copy of The 1897 Sears Catalog!

If you can't tell by listening to our episodes here, this book is a most amazing trip into the past, with hundreds upon hundreds of pages of entries and drawings. It's a delight, honestly, which you'll be hearing more from in a new episode at the end of this month. I hope whoever receives this Totally Cool Thing enjoys it as much as I do.

So, if you're reading this, consider yourself in the drawing. The recipient will be alerted at the beginning of April. :D

Thank you so much to each and every one of you for supporting this podcast. You're awesome, and we couldn't do it without you. Group hug!

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