Coffee appreciated, love priceless

Coffee appreciated, love priceless

Jul 04, 2021

It was a struggle before the pandemic due to losing everything. The last 15 months even more challenging. Struggling to cover rent and bills, sometimes losing internet, and no food. I wouldn’t have eaten without the help of friends during this time. In 12 days I will be paid my first full paycheck in over 12 months I will be so relieved. I’m out of coffee and some foods and my internet is off until then. Please feel free to send coffee and some love. Coffee is appreciated and love is priceless. Thanks to all that have supported me over the last year plus. 🤩❤️

I went to a memorial for a friend recently. First memorial that involved 3 bars and drag show. I’m fully vaccinated but still felt uncomfortable without a mask at the show.

Please vaccinate! It could save your life or someone else’s. #vaccinate

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