Summer is ending... sigh...

Summer is ending... sigh...

Aug 03, 2021

¡Hello! Summer is passing by so quickly, and now we are getting ready to go back to school. I am working on content for the podcast and I would like to know what are your suggestions for future episodes! Since you have supported me with your kind contributions, I'd like to give you priority. You have no idea how much your support meant! There are some days when I feel like skipping a week of podcast production... but then I remember you, and I keep going! By the way, I have enabled the monthly contribution option now in this platform as well, should you consider to support the podcast in an ongoing manner. Again, this is totally optional! I just wanted to point it out just in case. Let me know of your episode ideas, and I will make them happen. Once more, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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