Hello dear visitor. If you enjoy my Multipli figurines, you can support the travel of the installation of the Multipli by buying an equivalent of 'a cup of coffee'. Much appreciated. Nothing human is alien to them!
The (250+) Multipli turn up when there's something up, a small of big event, mainly triggered by social circumstances. Think of a March for Culture, The March for Climate, Night of the Refugee etc. They also shine as individuals and then reveal their personal identity (follow me on Instagram and/or Facebook), or appear in tiny installations . They emerge with the use of second hand or found materials.
Send me an email (contact me through my website) if you want to order a 'naked' Multipli as to be able to create yourself your alter ego. Of course I create new Multipli/tiny installations in commission too.
If you are interested in my other work please visit my website.
Thank you for your attention!
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