Red Skill

Mar 18, 2021

Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Red Skill Guide - Things you need to know

Red skill is another skill that can be unlocked once the hero reaches red rarity R0 at level 130 and above. Besides the skill itself, red skills also buff three hero stats like HP, armor etc. The stats buffed by the skill are different for each hero.

To unlock & upgrade red skill, you need the following resources:-

  1. 10M Gold, 25 Hero Chips & 125 Skill Chips

  2. After unlocking, hero chips & skill chips required changes with skill level, if you need that list, I will provide you, just mention it in the comments

Red Skill Chips Sources

  • Red Skill Crates

    • From War boxes, weekly quest rewards

    • Deals

    • Sometimes form special Invasion

    • Guild Gift

  • Black Market

    • You can get skill chips by spending diamonds, I would say if you have unlocked red skill, then don't spend diamonds on skill chips - refer to my diamond guide here

  • EPIC City Watch

    You get red skill chips for the hero you used while doing epic city watch & you can only use Red Toons in the fight, although you can hire red toon as a Merc, you won't be able to get the skill chips for hired merc.

    • Skill chips scales as per your server & team level

    • In order to play Epic CW, you need 35 keys per CW & you get 20 Keys by completing one hard CW.

Many players get confused about whether to unlock or level the red skill or should add a star to hero or equip mods.

Well here is my suggestion

  1. Always add stars first as adding starts will increase all stats of hero & mod will increase only one stat

  2. If you have a hero at red rank, then just unlock red skill as it will give increase 3 buffs of hero & level skill after your hero is at 6 star

  3. If your hero is at 6 stars, then you should level red skill first if red skill fails on the hero level & then add mods. There may be some exception as sometimes red skill is not much of use, for that you can message me anytime about your query

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