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My computer is on its last legs

My computer is on its last legs

May 14, 2021

Hey, it's Ben from Cryptos For All.

You probably came across me from one of my YouTube videos and downloaded either "3-Steps to get Theta & TFuel in the US" or the "Theta & TFuel Staking Rewards Calculator." I hope you enjoyed and benefited from these!

I'm writing this as I need your help. Although my MacBook Pro is only 4 years old (my past computers usually last me 6+ years), the screen is now unexpectedly dying. Here's a screenshot of how the screen looks the moment I do anything more than browse a single web page.

I've been limping along with this over the last few months, but it's getting to the point where I can't see what I'm editing in my videos anymore. I need to get a new computer soon in order to keep putting out valuable content. Would you be able to help me do this? If you can spare even $5 I would be ever so grateful (or more of course). If you're able to, just buy me a pizza here. I will not be using it for pizza of course, but a new computer 😊. If you can't or don't want to, that's ok. Thank you anyways for your time to read this and I'll do my best to continue to put out great videos for you to enjoy.

Buy me a pizza (contribute to a new computer) here

-- Ben from Cryptos For All

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