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Access to Help determine the technology videos I make. You will have access to private polls which will influence what videos I make. You'll be able to send me messages through Patreon and ask me questions.
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Super Techy
In addition to the Techy reward, your name will be included in a "shout out" thank you video that will be posted monthly.
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Synth Techy
In addition to the Techy and Super Techy rewards, each month You'll also get a special eBook in the package to enjoy. (This book is like a magical guide that helps you become really good at tech stuff. The book will teach you how to be a tech pro – like a superhero with gadgets!)
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T-Shirt Techy
In addition to the Techy and Super Techy rewards, you'll get one of my channel t-shirts sent to you each month that you stay at this tier.
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25.33% of $750
When I reach my goal. I will buy a better mic for the videos I create.
Chi siamo Creative Ink Academy
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