About creatablelady
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As a seamstress there are dozens of tools I use daily... scissors, table space, good lighting, measuring tools being a few... Coffee is usually the first beverage I make to start the day or pick me up around 3pm. I love a wide mug with a good handle for hot coffee or a nice tall plastic up for iced coffee in the afternoon. I love locally roasted beans from several great roasteries, but I also love...
Do I really Drink Coffee?
Aug 12, 2020
Usually when people ask what I do, I am greeted with an opportunity to share with them the whole history of sewing... because they don't recognize the word "seamstress." As a seamstress I put together new garments and repair old garments. My skill set extends past clothing items to backpacks, small furniture, and a myriad of other fabric items. Not all seamstresses like repairing things or do brid...
What is a Seamstress?
Jul 22, 2020