The tea is here!!! Let me explain. Short story. I finally buckled down and did the thing everyone has been recommending I do—I opened up my own shop right on my own website! I admit it was a little daunting tackling the e-commerce world, and my website needed a new theme to really complement the store pages, but now that the setup is over with, I'm really proud of myself! And soooo stoked to get...
Beau-TEA-ful News
Mar 30, 2023
Hey y'all! There's been so much positive energy swirling in the air this month, and I've been so motivated to work on everything all at once! Which naturally means everything is taking longer to get done lol. But a lot of it will be ready by February and will be rolling out onto the blogs and shop. I'm so excited! Here's a few of the things we can look forward to in the month of love and midwinter...
Coming in February!
Jan 14, 2023