Updates on my memoir!

Updates on my memoir!

May 01, 2024

Hi friends!

It’s hard to believe that May 19ᵗʰ will mark one year since I began writing my memoir! So much has happened since embarking on this journey, and I have exciting news to share with you. Before we get to that, here’s what I’ve been up to.

  • October 5–8ᵗʰ, 2023, I attended a memoir writing workshop hosted by Kwame Alexander in Cape Cod. I met some fantastic writers, some of whom have become great friends.

  • In December, I traveled to the Motherland for the first time! I have absolutely fallen in love with Ghana and will return this December.

  • My word for 2024 has been freedom, and I’ve been exploring the depth of that word physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually, financially, and creatively.

  • As a book lover, I set a goal to read at least one book a week in 2024. So far, I’m way ahead of schedule, as I’ve already read 26 books.

  • I had an obscure goal to complete my manuscript by the one-year mark (May 19th), but I lifted it when my anxiety went haywire from the self-imposed pressure (I live with panic disorder). Once I removed the deadline, my pen began to flow again.

  • Since I prefer to write longhand over typing, I treated myself to a Remarkable 2 tablet, which (almost) seamlessly converts my handwriting to typed text! Saving me a ton of time over the other way I was doing things.

  • I applied for the Baldwin For The Arts Fellowship this month and submitted my favorite chapter from the book with my application. Fingers crossed! 

Over the past few months, I have booked consultations and interviewed editors to find the right fit. I’ve never published a book before and I’ll need guidance to help me get this book off my laptop and into your favorite bookshop.

Through these meetings, I realized that writing about my experiences growing up mixed-race in 1990s Roanoke, Virginia, required someone who understood my background and could handle my story with care—someone Black who clicks with my personality and understands how I choose to express myself.

So the news is… 

I signed a contract with my new editor today, put down a deposit, and am on her calendar to deliver my completed manuscript by July 20th!

Ahh! A new deadline!

I feel confident that I’ve partnered with a seasoned expert who has experience with memoirs. 

Did I mention that homegirl has locs? Locs are not a requirement to enhance my writing, but it’s super cool to have someone who looks like me behind the scenes!

We‘re on track to have my final manuscript ready by the end of October! 

As in, a whole-ass polished book, y’all!

After that, I’ll search for the right literary agent to get me a publishing deal.

It’s wild to think that by the time I board the plane to Ghana in December, my book will be out in Agent Land, hopefully on its way toward publication.

I know there’s more to the process, and there’s gonna be twists and turns along the way, but I’m proud of myself. I estimate I’ve written at least 65% of my first draft.

I believe in myself and have grown so much this past year. Writing this memoir has felt like therapy on steroids. I’ve also been to a lot of counseling, haha!

As a therapist, I talk to people for a living, but storytelling? This hits different, and I’m loving it. Ahh!

That’s all I’ve got for now.

In the meantime, you should sign up for A Sunday Breakdown, a weekly email where you’ll get to know me, see cute pictures of my kid, laugh, and get updates about my writing.




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