How can I fix the Waiter Serve (bad) tec ...

How can I fix the Waiter Serve (bad) technique?

May 01, 2024

The waiter's serve is a technical issue in which the player opens up the hitting face too soon, during the backswing and before contacting the ball. That can affect the serve power, spin and it can even lead to forearm and wrist injuries. 
This video (below) shows the difference between a waiter's serve and normal serve:

There are several reasons why the waiter's serve happens, and here's how to fix them:

1. Taking the racket back, opening the face of it.
- The fix:
Take the racket back with the palm down and knuckles up (see video below).

2. Racket drops behind the back with the palm up.
- The fix:
Stand with your back to the fence (about a foot away)  and let the racket drop between you and the fence on the edge (see video below).

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