È una metafora amichevole, non un vero coffee. Ogni "coffee" costa $5 e puoi comprarne quanti ne vuoi.
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Sostieni mensilmente e fai parte del viaggio creativo di Desiree Hayes. Annulla in qualsiasi momento.
Chi siamo Desiree Hayes
a Product and Brand Photographer
Hey there! I am a Brand Photographer & Videographer helping Creative Women lead influential & unforgettable brands. How can I be of service to you? Want to share some love, buy me a coffee here!
Sostenitori recenti
Sonia_huertas_photography ha offerto un coffee .
Have a beautiful day!!🥰
Thank you for making my day; you are the sweetest! Have a super blessed day yourself. 😍
Someone ha offerto un coffee .
I love you and I'm very proud of you ❤️
LOVE YOUUUU cuñis! Gracias por esas palabras, me hicieron el dia.