$10 Monthly Chat & Conjure Forum

$10 Monthly Chat & Conjure Forum

Oct 23, 2022


In the $10 monthly chat & conjure forum, I will ask and answer questions, plus share the experiences of others in regards to working with spirit. I'll also intercede and ask spirit to assist you with your goals. I DO NOT offer revenge, mind control, curses, etc. I offer justice, protection, expidited karma & prosperity, etc. However spirit decides to fulfill these requests is certainly up to them.


PS. I'm always eager to connect with my supporters! If you would like to chat with me 1 on 1 (via email), simply click the support button below, choose a contribution amount and submit. I will reach out to you as soon as possible to begin our email chat. *Please be sure to include the correct email address or I won't be able to connect with you.

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