Streams, Level 3 rules and glorious suns ...

Streams, Level 3 rules and glorious sunshine!!!

Jan 09, 2022


We've been surprisingly busy at our Sunset Sessions this last week which was unexpected for this time of year but welcomed! In fact, Thursday(?) as I passed the PR guy ( waaay too good looking that lad, lol;-)) he told me it was "packed" and "all for you". I actually thought he was joking but thankfully he wasn't and it was very busy, surprisingly so for the annual 'lull' period post Christmas and New Year.

We've been assisted by some lovely weather too, some not so great days but some glorious ones which always add to the Cafe La Ola experience. Marc's post earlier this week sort of said it all to be honest, we work there... amazing!!! The gigs are a different vibe from what they used to be in The Big Easy days and although I ( Gazza ) do miss those drunken late nights, I really enjoy getting home at a reasonable hour for dinner and a movie. It's always plusses and minuses but the gigs are gaining popularity and we're going to stick with them as far as they take us. Thank you to everyone who's been down so far, be that for one evening or all week.

As you probably know by now we're in to Level 3 as from midnight tonight which basically means an earlier finish for the late night bars plus restrictions. As far as I can gather it'll be a percentage reduction outside and inside of the venue's capacity with your Covid pass to be shown on entry to venues of 30 people or more. If you're due to fly out and have a Favourite Restaurants list then I'd advise to book prior if I'm being honest. I'm fairly confident that masks should be worn at all times too, even outside but obviously not whilst your sat eating or drinking. However, mask wearing outside doesn't seem to be being enforced currently from what I've seen. This doesn't mean to say that it won't be, just to let you know. Other than that we're still happy, happy to be open, happy to be gigging to be honest and long may it continue.

We'll continue to stream every gig and we're hoping to rehearse at the ridiculous time of 9am on Tuesday as it's the only time we can so expect a couple of additions to the set this week... about bloody time! lol;-). Streaming does cost us though so your donations on here, if you enjoy the streams, are still very important to us, however big or small. Thank you.

Take care, stay safe and we'll look forward to welcoming a few more of you this week!


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