An update...

Sep 08, 2022


It's been a while. The truth is though nothing much has happened, lol;-). We are just treading water, waiting to hear when and in what capacity we go back to Cafe la Ola. Hopefully there'll be some news on that front soon as two weeks becomes just over a month. As soon as we hear anything we'll post it on our Facebook page. That also includes any other gigs we may have in the meantime. While we're waiting The Big Easy II ( sorry, Spoons;-) ) has stepped in and offered us Tuesday's with alternate Saturday's. It's kept our hand in, given us something to look forward to and both Marc and I have been able to supplement our weekly earnings with Marc's piano solo/duo gigs and my other band. We've absolutely loved being in Spoons and there's every chance we'll continue no matter what happens with Cafe la Ola. Watch this space...

Lanzarote itself has been hot, very hot in fact but we're entering my personal favourite time of year, the kids have gone back to school, the audiences are 'mature';-) and obviously the temperature will dip to bearable soon. With the summer behind us many of you are either over shortly or planning a trip which means a visit to our gig and presents!! We've had all kinds of lovely gifts so thank you from all of us for your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Obviously I've not had the opportunity to do any 'Drive Throughs' of late. My car is actually stalling to be honest, pretty randomly and obviously stalling on the strip would be a nightmare. I'll have to take Rachel in one night and get her to drive while I hold the camera. I'm NOT drilling a holder in to her dashboard though! lol;-)

Ok, that's all for now. Hopefully we'll have some news for you soon but until then the streams will continue uninterrupted, wifi pending. All we ask for is the odd (ahem) 'Coffee' or three on here if you enjoy them and of course you can comfortably afford to contribute. It's not always possible to see the comments live though so please inform others and don't be offended if we miss you. I do spend quite considerable time going through the comments noting requests, shout outs and gossip. We'll try and accommodate everyone on the following stream.

Take care and see you soon if you're due over any time soon.


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