Recent supporters

Suzanne bought 5 coffees.
On the GCA Photography Committee and so enjoyed one day with you a few years ago in Phoenix. Learned a lots and had fun! bought 5 coffees.

Garry Lunn bought 5 coffees.
I first encountered you when Angle M. from Base Camp had you as a guest host. You were fantastic and so much fun and funny. And oh yeah I learned a lot. Keep up the good work. You write so well.

Patrick (Oneeyeddog) Krohn bought 3 coffees.
Hello Bubbles. The past few weeks I have finally taken the time to read many of your blogs. And I have really been enjoying them. I apricate the time effort and thought you put into each one -- just like your photography. Here's a little to say thanks for sharing what you do and how you got there. Both the successes and the struggles. Both make us who we are. Take care.
Thanks so much, Patrick, for taking the time to read through Dear Bubbles, your kind words, and your generosity. Here's hoping the columns have generate new revelations and ideas for your photographic and life journey. Happy holidays and happy 2025! May your new year be filled with much joy, light, and love!