Claire Tustin @Lullaboogaloo
I'm Claire Tustin. I’m a singer-songwriter, performer and facilitator, mainly for children under 7 but also for theatre and choirs. You might be here because you took part in one of my on-line classes for small children, if so, thank you!
You can donate in two ways; either SUPPORT me by making a pay-as-you-feel one time donation e.g. as payment for a class, or MEMBERSHIP by paying a small monthly amount to receive membership-only content like exclusive digital recordings, videos of songs, story readings and curriculum linked songs for KS1 home schooling.
(Members will receive their exclusive content via email, so be sure to leave your email address when you donate.)
My latest album for children is called Dancing with the Bees, and lots of my work is inspired by nature; about animals, insects and playing outside. I have a band called Lullaboogaloo, and when we are not trapped in our homes due to corona virus, we do gigs for young children and their families.
You can stream my album for small children Dancing with the Bees for free here
You can buy it on Bandcamp here
You can watch my music videos for kids on my YouTube channel Lullaboogaloo - ;
And follow my facebook page Lullaboogaloo for more information about my music and arts for small children.
Thank you very much for your support
Claire x
Neueste Supporter
Jeannie Fraser bought 3 coffees.
Anne Torley bought 33 coffees.
I have so enjoyed our time together, you are a real inspiration. Hope to see you again soon x
Jeannie Fraser bought 8 coffees.
Sunny and Share bought 10 coffees.
Thanks for all your hard work and wonderful choir leading. Have a lovely Christmas, hope it’s not too long before we can sing together again🎄❤️
Christine bought 5 coffees.