FAT! 10 things I love about my size

FAT! 10 things I love about my size

Oct 24, 2021

Almost from the moment we're born we're taught that fat is the absolute worst thing we can be. Ever. We must fight against it regardless of the cost. Thinness is the holy grail. All of our achievements are irrelevant if our body is unacceptable. I'm 40 now and it was only a couple of years ago I realised what utter BS this is! It makes me angry, furiously angry that I wasted so much of my life on diets, obsessing about food and in the gym punishing myself for what I ate.

Now I love my body as it is - bumps, bulges and all! I have fully embraced self-love and I'm forging a happier life for myself. One of the exercises I did while learning to accept my body was to write a list of the good things about being fat. My contribution to countering diet culture. I decided now I have my own space in the world I wanted to publish it. It's for all you lovely people struggling to love yourself when surrounded by images of thinness everywhere you go. It's also for me to remind myself of the journey I’ve taken. 

My List

  1. Fat is a great insulator - think whales and seals. I’m rarely too cold and only tend to wear a jacket if there's snow on the ground.

  2. I’m pretty solid so I'm much less likely to be knocked over in a crowd.

  3. I have killer curves - hourglass anyone? No corset or padding needed. I look great in dresses with cinched waists.

  4. I’m a great, soft, warm mass to cuddle. Very warm. See point 1!

  5. I can give huge jiggly belly laughs and I do - often.

  6. I rock bright colours - more surface to cover, more of me to see!

  7. My husband loves me and finds me beautiful and sexy as I am. The sad thing is for years I couldn't understand why. I thought he loved me in spite of my body. Now I know I am beautiful because all bodies are beautiful in all their wonderful variety.

  8. I’m better padded in case of falls. I'm less likely to be injured but I do bruise like a grape. That's not related to my weight though!

  9. I have large fat reserves. I'm built to survive a famine if any "end of the world as we know it" predictions actually come true. Zombie apocalypse anyone?

  10. I can fully enjoy every mouthful of food I eat without worrying about how much it will affect my weight. Not that anyone should ever worry about that. You're entitled to enjoy every damn morsel that passes your lips people! 

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