Amendments for Members and Supporters!

Amendments for Members and Supporters!

May 31, 2021

Hello there,

I ought to give an update on the current amendments I have made that dawned on me since last night regarding the posts that contained broken links as the files had passed their expiry date and were terminated. I can thankfully say that I have now rectified majority of the issue by providing Dropbox links that will no longer terminate any of these files and the posts have been modified with the correct links, so for those who decide to become a member or support my page with their email addresses that they have registered and logged on my Buy Me a Coffee page will receive access to the following files in accordance to which tier or amount of support you pledge for via my Dropbox.

Having said this, I have still yet to scour for and unearth the material I've uploaded on my mystery track post(s), which I'll hopefully find within a week or two so bear with me on that front.

I would also like to preface to anybody who decides to support or join membership will not guarantee a constant flow of content and that I don't have much going on in the pipeline for the time being, but hopefully I will try and arrange a rotational schedule in the near future and I can only hope that I don't disappoint anybody who does join or support as your generosity is what I value first and foremost.

I'd also like to add that if you have any remaining or future enquiries, feedback or complaints you like to make, don't hesitate to reach out to me by either contacting my email at [email protected] or messaging me on this page.

Thank you very much for the patience and kindest regards,

Drew Holliday

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