Thanks for your support!

Thanks for your support!

Feb 03, 2022

Thank you so much for your support! It's not easy doing this alone and your support helps so much!

Instead of buying me a coffee, you can either buy me a fence post or buy me a fruit tree. I'd really like to fence in the property and to create bigger paddocks for the pigs. Another goal is to plant a lot more fruit trees and to create food forests around the farm. Although fence posts and fruit trees are very necessary for the development of the farm, my funds I get from the little bit of online work I do goes to restoring and renovating the cottage and kitchen. My next big project is to build the bathroom and to put in a water system to get water from the well to the bathroom and kitchen. This will use up all the money I earn. So any help I can get to buy fence posts and fencing materials and fruit trees would be awesome!

Thanks again!

Keep safe, keep sane...




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