Jetzt abonnieren

Seed level


With your donation we can create more applications and improve those that already exist. There will be a more fluid communication.
Each application will take a list of those who are collaborating and will not have advertising for those who collaborate.

  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • Unlock exclusive posts and messages

  • Enjoy applications without advertising

  • Each application will take a list of those who are collaborating

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Germination level


All advantages of the seed level plus the possibility of giving an application without notifications to whoever wants per month.

  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • Unlock exclusive posts and messages

  • Enjoy applications without advertising

  • Each application will take a list of those who are collaborating

  • Give up an application without ads to whoever wants per month

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Growth level


All advantages of the level germination plus the possibility of giving away two applications without ads to whoever wants per month. Suggestions for changes or aggregates in applications have priority.

  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • Unlock exclusive posts and messages

  • Enjoy applications without advertising

  • Each application will take a list of those who are collaborating

  • give away two applications without ads to whoever wants per month

  • Suggestions for changes or aggregates in applications have priority

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