Goh Chun Lin
3 sostenitori
Authentication of Azure API for FHIR® an ...

Authentication of Azure API for FHIR® and the Import of Patient Info with Azure Function

Jul 23, 2020


The COVID-19 outbreak has provided the healthcare industry with a unique opportunity. Meanwhile, cloud computing has also become such an important tool for the healthcare industry.

I'm glad to have the opportunity to learn with Michael Hansen, the Principal Program Manager in Microsoft Healthcare NExT, to get started with FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) on Azure. His fast responses to my queries on GitHub also helped me to understand more about this Azure service.

It's cool to see how Microsoft and Azure address the healthcare data management problems by simplifying data management with a single, consistent solution for protected health information (PHI) and also bringing together health data from disparate systems using industry standard HL7 FHIR.

In this article, I share about what I have learned from Michael Hansen so far especially on authentication of Azure API for FHIR and patient data import with a simple Azure Function. As there are some developers finding it hard to get started with the official tutorials, I hope my simple blog post will help them to get started easily.

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