The Best Marketing Strategy of the Futur ...

The Best Marketing Strategy of the Future

May 23, 2023

This article is part of a 2-Week Course called the AI Course Accelerator Program. Online Business Owners and Digital Creators are learning how to use AI-powered tools, such as the One Click Course Creator and Community Design to create evergreen, high-value content that is automated and generates substantial, life changing passive income on a consistent, recurring basis.

AI Generated Summary:

This article discusses the importance of community in today's business world. Community Design is gaining ground as the most effective marketing approach because it prioritizes the needs and desires of community members. The article highlights that communities that don’t prioritize the principles of Community Design are doomed to fail. The author also provides a video transcript and summary on community-based marketing and the future of business. The article concludes by discussing the emotional continuum and the importance of purpose and a sense of belonging in building successful communities.


When thinking about the most effective marketing strategies of the future (which is now), the importance of community cannot be overstated. Increasingly, businesses and tech giants alike are focusing their efforts on building strong, supportive communities. This shift is reflected in the evolution of marketing strategies, where Community Design is gaining ground as the most effective approach. At its core, Community Design is human-centered, prioritizing the needs and desires of community members. By providing transformational improvements to their health, wealth, and relationships, a well-designed community can foster a sense of belonging and purpose that is essential to its survival. Simply put, communities that do not prioritize the principles of Community Design are doomed to fail. Only by embracing these principles can communities hope to flourish and grow into thriving ecosystems of support and collaboration.

⭐ Premium Content: VIP Supporters will receive access to the full Premium Newsletter in Notion featuring this article in "Virtual Guide" format with a transcription and summary of this video and others for easier learning. Click here to become a VIP Supporter.

The Principles of Community Design

Creating a community is not just about attracting people and getting them to stay. It's about building a sense of belonging and purpose, and keeping people engaged with high-value content (ie. live virtual events, newsletters, videos, podcasts, and articles) in a way that benefits everyone. Here are five key principles of Community Design that can help you create a strong and successful community:

Principle #1: Big Purpose

Your community's purpose is critical to its success. It is important to have a clear and compelling objective that inspires people to join and participate. You may consider creating a shared mission, identifying a common interest, or establishing a specific goal that everyone is working towards. Additionally, it is important to have a system for members to communicate with one another and share ideas. This could include regular meetings, live virtual events, and using platforms that allow for open discussion. Encouraging members to take on leadership roles and providing opportunities for skill-building and personal growth can also help to foster a strong sense of community. Finally, it is important to maintain a positive and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and valued. By prioritizing these key elements, your community can thrive and achieve its goals.

Tips for Creating a Purpose-Driven Community

  • Have an inspiring objective that makes people want to join and participate

  • Create a shared mission or find a common interest that brings people together

  • Make sure you have a way for members to communicate and share ideas

  • Give members leadership roles and opportunities for personal growth

Principle #2: Ideal Member

To build a strong community, it is important to attract and retain the right people. One way to attract these people is by clearly communicating your values and goals to the public. This can be achieved through various marketing channels such as social media, email campaigns, and live community events. Once you have attracted the right people, it is important to retain them by providing them with opportunities to contribute to the community in meaningful ways. This can be through volunteer work, leadership roles, or simply by providing a platform for them to express their ideas and share their expertise. By doing so, you can create a sense of ownership and belonging within the community, which can lead to increased engagement and a stronger sense of community pride.

🧰 AI Toolkit Recommendation: Use Google Forms to create Waitlists and Surveys for new members. The data automatically gets put into a Google Sheet which can be used to build your email list. Ask 2-3 questions to get a better sense of who is really attracted to your content.

⭐ Premium Content: VIP Supporters get access to an example Waitlist form that has been very beneficial for me with growing an email list.

Principle #3: High-Value Content

A successful community is built on a foundation of high-quality content that is relevant and valuable to its members. This content can take many different forms, such as articles, videos, podcasts, tutorials, livestream webinars, and more. It should be informative, engaging, and thought-provoking, providing members with the resources they need to learn, grow, and connect with one another. Additionally, it's important to regularly update this content to ensure that it remains fresh and relevant, and to actively seek out feedback from members to ensure that their needs and interests are being met. By doing so, you can create a thriving community that fosters engagement, collaboration, and growth among its members.

🧰 AI Toolkit: The video below was created using one of our favorite AI Toolkit tools for creating high-quality video using a script, Pictory. Premium members get access to the AI Toolkit with tutorial videos and more. 🔗

Principle #4: Consistent Engagement

To keep your community active and engaged, there are several ways you can provide regular opportunities for members to interact with each other and with the community as a whole. One way is to host events that are relevant and exciting for your members. This could be a meetup, a workshop, a webinar or even a virtual conference. These events can provide a platform for members to share their experiences, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. Moreover, they can help build a sense of community and foster a deeper connection between members.

Another way to keep your community engaged is through discussions. You can facilitate discussions on topics that are relevant and interesting to your community. These discussions can take place on social media platforms, forums, or even in-person meetings. Encourage members to participate and contribute their ideas and opinions. This can help create a safe and open space for members to connect and engage with each other.

In addition to events and discussions, you can also provide other activities that keep people connected and motivated. For instance, you can create a mentorship program that pairs members with mentors who can offer guidance and support. You can also organize challenges or contests that encourage members to collaborate and showcase their skills. By providing a variety of opportunities for members to engage, you can create a thriving and active community that people are eager to be a part of.

Principle #5: Effective Communication

Clear and open communication is crucial for the success of any community. It allows for the sharing of information, ideas, and feedback, which can lead to innovation and progress. Additionally, it fosters an environment of transparency and respect, where everyone feels heard and valued. Without effective communication, misunderstandings can arise, leading to conflict and a breakdown of trust. Therefore, it is vital to prioritize strong communication skills and regularly assess and improve the communication practices within a community. By doing so, we can build a stronger and more cohesive community that is better equipped to tackle challenges and achieve its goals.

The Best Platforms for Hosting Your Community

There are a variety of platforms available for hosting your community, each with its own strengths and unique benefits. Here are four highly-effective options to consider:


Clubhouse is a social audio app that is increasingly growing in popularity for Creators interested in public speaking and teaching because it offers users the ability to engage in live conversations on a variety of topics. With its unique platform, the app has become a go-to choice for individuals looking to host discussions, interviews, and other interactive events. One of the biggest draws of Clubhouse is its ability to connect users with people from all over the world, allowing them to engage in conversations with individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. In addition, the app's ease of use and intuitive interface have made it incredibly popular, with millions of users logging on each day to participate in the latest conversations. Overall, Clubhouse has completely revolutionized the way people connect and engage with one another online, creating a truly dynamic and interactive platform that is sure to continue growing in popularity in the years to come.


Join the One Click Creator House on Clubhouse 🔗

Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks is an innovative platform that offers an easy-to-use interface for users to create their own branded community websites and offer high-value courses. The creators of Mighty Networks have demonstrated a deep understanding of the principles of Community Design, as evident in the design of the platform. Mighty Networks is ideal for businesses and organizations that seek to establish a robust online presence, as it provides a wide range of tools and resources to engage with their audience. With Mighty Networks, users can create unique membership plans, organize events, and even monetize their content. Additionally, the platform offers in-depth analytics to track user engagement and measure the success of your community. Mighty Networks is a game-changer for businesses and organizations looking to build a loyal following and connect with their audience in a meaningful way.

If you sign up for a Mighty Networks plan using my Affiliate Link, I will offer you a free strategy call to help you supercharge your set up and member onboarding process for high engagement and monetization.

Check out our OCC Community Academy Hosted on Mighty Networks here.


WhatsApp is a messaging app that has gained widespread popularity in recent years, and it has become an increasingly popular platform for community-centered marketing. With its simple interface and easy-to-use features, it's a convenient way to host private communities. WhatsApp allows users to create groups and share messages, photos, and videos, making it an ideal platform for businesses to create and foster a sense of community amongst their customers.

One of the biggest advantages of WhatsApp is the ability to connect with customers on a more personal level. Unlike other social media platforms, WhatsApp is a private messaging app that allows for direct communication with customers. This can help businesses develop a deeper understanding of their customers' needs and preferences, which can lead to more targeted marketing efforts and a stronger sense of loyalty among customers.

In addition, WhatsApp groups can be used to provide valuable content, such as exclusive offers or behind-the-scenes glimpses of a business. This can help build a stronger relationship between the business and its customers, leading to increased engagement and sales.

Overall, WhatsApp is a powerful tool for businesses looking to create and nurture a community-centered marketing strategy. Its simplicity, privacy, and direct communication capabilities make it an ideal platform for building strong relationships with customers and fostering a sense of belonging and purpose within a community. By leveraging the power of WhatsApp, businesses can create a more personalized and engaging marketing experience for their customers, leading to increased loyalty and sales over time.

Subscribe to One Click Creator and get access to our WhatsApp Community Group where we share upcoming live virtual events and Masterclasses (free) exclusively for our subscribed members. 🔗


I asked ChatGPT in Notion AI to create a chart comparing marketing strategies prior to 2020 and the most cutting edge marketing strategies of the future. This is what it gave me. I rest my case.

⭐ Premium Content: Interested in becoming a Masterclass Student of the AI Course Accelerator Program where you'll learn how to create courses using the One Click Course Creator tools, grow your community, and launch your evergreen online business? Click here for more info. Also, check out my BMC shop to see the exclusive content VIP Supporters and Masterclass Students have access to.

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