Days 5-9: Camp Nanowrimo April 2024

Days 5-9: Camp Nanowrimo April 2024

Apr 23, 2024

Day 5: Friday 04/15/2024

What can we say about Day 5?

Well, first of all, Day 5 was the day when I got a revision request from an editor at Textbroker, basically telling me to rewrite the entire 432-word article that I wrote on Day 4.

That request was legit tho.

And honestly, I was expecting that revision request because just as I was submitting the article the night before, I realized that I misinterpreted the angle I was supposed to take on it (i.e. surprising facts about drain cleaning TECHNOLOGY and not just surprising facts about drain cleaning in general).

I know, exciting stuff...

Anyway, I caught that error right as I hit the submit button. But it was too late. The article was sent.

So I totally expected a rewrite request. And I really thought I was okay with that because that’s on me. My mistake. A rewrite is appropriate.

But maybe the part that soured my attitude was the additional editor's comment telling me that a massive chunk of the article I wrote on Day 4 was all fluff and didn’t offer any value to the reader.

That’s a matter of opinion, and I totally disagree with the editor regarding that section of text that I wrote.

But when you make money writing, you need to act like a professional. And professional content writers don’t argue with editors. It's unprofessional - and a waste of energy.

Not only is it a complete waste of time (theirs and mine), but it’s also just not my place.

So I didn't argue or rage quit ( least not this time heh).

Professional Writers vs Whiny Lil Bitch Writers

The editor is the gatekeeper.

It’s their call.

So instead of acting like a whiny lil biotch and arguing or blasting them on Reddit, I accepted the criticism, thought about how I would avoid that problem on the rewrite and when writing future articles for that team - and then I proceeded to get busy doing absolutely jack shit nothing for the rest of the day.

Motivation: 0%

Well, that and spending half the day getting our taxes done and realizing we gotta come up with well over $2k inside of a week for the IRS.

Which we don’t have.


So anyway, that one little speed bump created a wave of blahhhh that resulted in me missing the revision deadline and losing the $10.75 that I earned for that article. And then the blah continued and I missed the next deadline for the article I was currently writing (another $10.75 lost). And then I put up zeroes for the next several days.

Days 6-9

So that was Day 5.

As for Days 6-9…we’re just gonna have to chalk up Days 6-9 to BLAH and also LIFE HAPPENS and also sometimes there are personal battles and unbelievable family dramas that you gotta deal with and that you aren’t at liberty to discuss with the whole freakin world on your blog.

So there was THAT on Days 6-9.

Sometimes I really hate being human.

Would be nice to just be a writing machine who can stuff it all down and get the work done no matter what instead of curling up in a ball on the floor underneath your desk.

Oh, I wrote something on Day 10 tho.

So let’s talk about that in the next blog post.

NEXT UP: Day 10: Camp Nanowrimo April 2024

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