Day 20: Camp Nanowrimo April 2024

Day 20: Camp Nanowrimo April 2024

Apr 25, 2024

Day 20: 04/20/2024

Okay guys, today is Day 20 and this weekend we are wrapping up Week 3 of Camp Nanowrimo. By the end of this blog post, I will have written over 1,000 words for today (my daily goal for Camp).

But since I am so far behind on this challenge, I’m gonna have to do some more writing today after this. So I’ll come back and update this post later tonight.

Live Writing Sprints With Sophie Von Ahn on Youtube

This morning I spent a good 3+ hours doing live writing sprints with Sophie Von Ahn on Youtube. She’s writing her latest novel (Project: GLASS). And most of her subscribers are also writing fiction, though some are writing short stories instead of novels.

Little old me is writing Textbroker articles and blog posts for Buymeacoffee to catch up on my Camp Nanowrimo updates.

Here are my numbers for this morning’s writing sprints:

  • Sprint 1: 211 words

  • Sprint 2: 267

  • Sprint 3: 169

  • Sprint 4: 412

  • Sprint 5: 162

  • Sprint 6: 8 (had to stop and do family stuff)

This was the first time since last year that I was able to join in on Sophie’s livestreams. She actually stopped for a while last year due to life and stuff and college and adulting. Hell, I’m more than twice her age and I still haven’t got the hang of adulting, so no judgment here.

Anyway, I missed her return to Youtube and only now have finally been able to join in again for the lives. Better late than never.

2nd Most Productive Day of Camp So Far

In total I wrote 1,287 words today, finished the blog post for Days 12-19 and wrote this blog post (Day 20). Even tho I ran out of steam and didn’t get in my 2nd writing session, I still had my second most productive day of this challenge.

I intended to come back at night and write a 500-word article for a client on Textbroker. That would have made today the most productive day of writing that I’ve had all month long.

But the day got away from me once again, and I didn’t get back to my computer til after 11:00p.

I’m tired, so I’m just gonna wrap up this blog post and write the article tomorrow.

Day 20 is over.

NEXT: Day 21

Or check out other NaNoWriMo blog updates.

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