Big Magic

Nov 03, 2021

Good Morning!

On my instagram this morning I made a post about a book called Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert. This book provides experiences from Gilbert's life as a creative that support her theories on what it means to live a creative life/be a creative person. I wanted to share a bit more here about stuff that I loved about the book.

First I loved how creative the book felt...the book in itself was lofty and imaginative. Citing stories that back up her idea that ideas are actually living with us, and around us and we just can't see them...then they come and go if we don't give them enough attention and move on to another host. You can kind of imagine them to be like viruses!


I also loved the chapter, Have an Affair. It's an interesting comparison of making time for your creative pursuit to making time to see someone you're having an affair with. Though a weird comparison the paralel Gilbert draws are poignant. She talks about being hot for your craft, in the same way your hot for some new fling...always finding time for it despite your family, your full time job, life in general. As a creative person I can definitely relate. Loved this comparison.

I'm sure there's more about this book I loved but I think this covers it for now. Anyway I hope you all have a great day and week.

Love you


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