Recent supporters

Steve Horn bought a coffee.
I just discovered your podcast. Nice work!

Hi Tommy, Hope you don’t mind that I sent an invite to connect over LinkedIn. Yesterday was my first day of retirement from ad sales and I aspire to be a tour guide in Chicago for my next chapter. Your podcasts are really entertaining. I’m intrigued with your process and level of prep that you put into this wealth of Chicago history, especially as I prepare to similarly do the same. If you’re in the city or burbs and interested in chatting, I would be happy to treat you to a coffee in person. No pressure. Again, great job on the podcast.

Zach bought 5 coffees.
I moved from Chicago to Nashville three years ago. I miss the City deeply; your podcast helps fill the void while also informing/educating me on corners of Chicago’s history previously unbeknown to me. Keep up the great work. And if you’re ever in Uptown please stop into Fat Cat and say hello to the bartenders for me!