Camp Site Selection | Wilderness Surviva ...

Camp Site Selection | Wilderness Survival Tips

Feb 02, 2023

Where you put your shelter is just as important as having one. Most people new to camping and survival tend to think choosing a site to set up camp is as simple as throwing down a tent. In reality, however, there are some things you should look for before building a shelter.

  1. Water. Have it within close walking distance to a water source, but far enough away to avoid direct contact with animals and insects. Animals will come to drink throughout the day and night so you will want to be far enough away that they can choose to avoid you, but close enough that you do not burn many calories to go and collect more.

  2. Wind. Look for a location with a natural wind-break. This could be a fallen tree, a live treeline, or something else. Alternatively, look for a location where you could build your own wind-break if one is not naturally available.

  3. Sun. For extra warmth, the entrance to your shelter should face towards the rising sun. This is an old trick that many campers enjoy.

  4. Wildlife. Avoid locations with animal trails passing through. Animals can be creatures of habit so they will want to follow the same paths they always do. Choosing somewhere else can limit the number of unwanted visitors passing through your camp.
    Check the location for biters like ants or wasps. Avoid building near swampy areas.

  5. Drainage. Do not put your shelter at the bottom of a hill. Do have it somewhere slightly sloped to allow for drainage. Never put your shelter in a gully even if it appears to be dried out.

  6. Fire. The fire should be placed directly in front of your shelter, so make sure there is room for it.

  7. Materials. To conserve calories, your shelter should be close to building materials as well as fuel for your fire.

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