New things old things and stuff

New things old things and stuff

Nov 17, 2022

Just testing the waters here. I am finally getting set back up online after a long break away. Life had gotten in the way for a while, sick parents, death, the global shutdown etc...made it really hard for me to concentrate on my art. I am slowly getting back to it, it has been on my mind constantly for a while now and after a somewhat brutal summer, details I will spare you (dumb personal crap that is actually pretty boring), I feel like its time to get back to my paints! First though I want to get all my old original artwork listed online finally so someone can buy it. These paintings have just been hidden away in the studio waiting for me to photograph them and get them in front of eyeballs so that is happening very soon. I actually have a lot of the photos taken I just need to edit and get measurements and then Ill be ready to list, stoked about that! So that's about it, getting things tied up online and in the studio and then Ill post again here when I have another update, working on other things as well so lots of updates coming. Thanks for stopping by and if you "buy me a bourbon" thank you double...and just so you know, I actually prefer Rye.

Forest Elf, acrylic on canvas © Alexandria Sandlin, all rights reserved

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