Create a currency conversion with ChatGP ...

Create a currency conversion with ChatGPT

Apr 14, 2023

Currencies and their conversion. Always a bit tricky - but #ChatGPT makes it easy.

Together with my good friend ChatGTP I have made a small VBA script for Excel which calls an API from that makes up to date currency conversion easy.


Imagine every week you export your invoices to Excel for further analysis and reporting. Your invoices come in a number of different currencies. Here 10 invoices with currencies in USD, CNY, CHF, GBP & EUR - with EUR being your home currency.

You would like a column that sums up your sales into your home currency, but it is a pain to update the sheet with the latest exchange rates and having each currency convert to EUR in one column.

To qoute Nik Kershaw, 'Wouldn't it be good' if you had a button in Excel you can click which converts amount on all the invoices with foreign currencies with their current rate to your home currency and puts these converted amount in one column.

Now you can !- Have a look at the video here which demonstrates this. It is about 10 seconds - and I list also the code at the end you can study.

This is just one example of the ease of coding using ChatGTP to make useful and productivity enhancing features that makes work easier.

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