Ask ChatGPT to write in a certain style

Ask ChatGPT to write in a certain style

Apr 16, 2023

ChatGPT has a neat future that it can be trained to write in a certain writing style - including your own. If you want ChatGPT to write in your style all you need to do is copy in one of your texts - the longer the better - and then prompt it to write something 'in the style' of the previous text.

It is up to you what you wish ChatGPT to help you write. It can be an essay, an email or a marketing text. Of course it is not limited to your style. You can find any text and ask it to write in a similar style.
In this example I have copied in part of a text from the magazine The Economist. I have then requested ChatGPT to write an absence letter using the same language style.

I would say it did a pretty good job !


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