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Scaling back a bit at ORG and other mino ...

Scaling back a bit at ORG and other minor changes

Jul 30, 2023

Hi, Rope Friends!

Quick preface: No, I'm not quitting photo-taking at ORG =) But I do need to change my pace so that I don't burn myself out.

Some of you may not be aware, but after two months of getting laid-off and being unemployed, I found a new job and that's been a great relief(financially)! But it's also a lot of new information to process and maintain, so it's been exhausting. So. Exhausting.

It also pays marginally less than what I had been doing previously, so that means me doing more of my side gig of vanilla photography to keep up with rent and payments. Portraits, Parties, Weddings, etc.

(BTW: I won't be at ORG on Sept 6)

Both have affected me, energy-wise, and some friends within the community have noticed and expressed concerns. And to those friends I say THANK YOU and sorry! I appreciate you all so much.

With this in mind, there are going to be some minor changes:

  • I'll be less available for private rope/kink photo sessions

  • The turnaround time to edit ORG photos will a bit longer than what you're used to

  • I'll be spacing out the photos taken at ORG (as opposed to taking them in rapid succession like I normally do)

In regards to #3, I'll mostly focus on "complete" ties and less on the tying process itself. That will keep the quantity of pending edits down. So please don't hesitate grab my attention when the "photo op" is ready!

Less traveling, photo-taking and editing will ensure that I allow myself more time to shoot and edit photos for the side gig and, more importantly, provide myself self-care and mentally decompress from both that and my full-time job.

I do apologize if this does impact your expectations at ORG, but I do know most, if not all, of you understands the importance of self-care, and I am thankful to all of you for that!

If you any of you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!


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