54 supporters
First 24 Hours--THANK YOU!

First 24 Hours--THANK YOU!

Dec 20, 2022

Hello Rope Folks and Visitors!

It's me--Chase, the oddball running around with a camera and all of flashes all summer.
Up until now, I had been very hesitant to accept donations because I didn't want to put up the image that I did photography exclusively for, or even mostly, my own personal gain. My Mission Statement was, and always will be, to capture and showcase the amazing talent of all the wonderful Tops and Bottoms of the Rope Community. More importantly, to capture their delight and raw emotions in general!

I gave in after I've had some very kind and generous people ask, though. I do wish to have my photography grow, but that kind of development is a little rough with inflation (Evolution? In this Economy?!)

I came into this very neutrally. I thought I'd receive enough donations to compensate for gas. I was given much more than that, though. So much more.

In less than 24 hours, I had received enough support to both fund the purchase of peripheral equipment like flashes, stands, backdrops, etc., AND possible future projects. And while the monetary support was the initial goal, I have to say that the side effect of moral support is a bit overwhelming (in the best way, possible).

Inspiration-wise, I'd say I was already doing well. Always ready to kick ass and jump at any creative project suggested to me. But knowing that I have so many supporting folks have my back just shot my confidence through the roof! I'm now even more motivated to keep going!

In short: Thank You to the Rope Community. Not just for the donations, which will be put to good use for the community, but also for accepting me and including me. From Day One, everyone has been so warm and welcoming, and this has helped reaffirm that. I look forward to continuing to create art with you.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me on FL and IG if you ever have any art ideas, or even you just want to chat!

Stay safe and stay warm!


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