Charmed Wisdom
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Crown Success

Crown Success

Jan 12, 2022


I wanted to start by saying that all information I will be talking about in this week's scripture has all been channeled by me. I wanted to thank my spiritual guides and those divine ones who offered their help and knowledge in the co-creation of this week's scripture as I feel very honored in having a safe space in sharing this wisdom with anybody open to receiving.

Crown Succes

For generations we have seen monarchies reining with a crown on their head with the belief they were chosen by "GOD" himself and that they have a divine connection with the heavens for the betterment of man. We even refer to the head space as the crown chakra and is considered to be the bridge between heaven and earth in receiving divine guidance through the head chakra and is used as a form of reaching enlightenment.

(Definition: Enlightenment; the state of having knowledge or understanding: the act of giving someone knowledge or understanding.: a movement of the 18th century that stressed the belief that science and logic give people more knowledge and understanding than tradition and religion)

Therefore, letting us know that we are enlighten beings and can access this information and sense of enlightenment by dissociating ourselves from tradition and religions that seem to be very structural and rigid. This is also letting us know that the mind can be programed, and work based on the "tape" or "program" that has been installed in our thought system. Furthermore, my spirit guides wanted me to talk about the "crown" and how we can achieve a sense of enlightenment or in this case crown success. So, I have channeled a lot of information and will even share an open dialogue I had with them so please be open to the information given as it was even a little hard for me to comprehend in some areas yet still understood on a deeper inner level, inner knowing, knowing why and how it works but not being able to understand it in a logical simplistic way that humans can understand.

A lot of times our minds is what overpowers us instead of realizing that we are the energy that makes the brain function. Throughout my whole mediation I was asked to see our brains as how a computer brain functions, and it made sense as we even see a lot of scientific research talk comparing the human brain as a computer brain as the best way to describe how the mind works. One word they (when I say "they" I am referring to my spirit guides, spirit, those who came forward during this channeling) made sure it was louder throughout the whole mediation was the word Fortitude. Fortitude helps us have the strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage. Therefore, when we gain mental strength, we are able to view things different from a different perspective. When something wrongs happens seeing it as a message of healing instead as a moment of punishment. Fortitude doesn't allow the mind to overrun us with fear or scattered thoughts so we may allow ourselves to be open to healing, clarity, open minded, wisdom, perspective, awareness etc.

Processing Information:

I am a strong believer that science cannot live without the spirit and vice versa just how the mind cannot leave without its spirit and the spirit without the brain. Our mind is the vessel that helps us process information as well as our sensory system (intuition). Once our body or gut, if that's how you refer to it, picks up on energy and or information through any of our six senses the mind is what process this information in alerting us or giving us the message or in helping us understand that intuitive feeling. Our intuitive self needs the mind to be able to understand and process this information for us because feelings and energy can easily be manipulated and confused by the thought process or a certain believe system that some call or see it as the matrix, as being asleep, religion, limited believes, etc. There is no coincidence that the Third Eye (clear seeing) is right under the Crown Chakra because it helps us in seeing the truth within the information being process in our being and to be able to make the right healthy choice based on the confidence of the truth you get from it.

Thought Process:

This is where the open dialogue started between my spiritual team and I in how our mind is supposed to work or run reminder, this is all channeled information.

Them: " the mind is made out of 3 components; Logical, Imagination, and Comprehension as the subconscious and the conscious mind acts as a bridge between these 3 components of the mind."

What I understood from this is that the mind needs to be able to have logical sense as well as having imagination in order to see things in a spiritual way in helping us comprehend based on our own inner truth and limitations. I dug a little deeper into this information and it helped me understand that this is the same components when needing to manifest things or a better version of self, when it comes to understanding self, when it comes to attracting, when it comes to be living by your own souls believes. Why, may you ask? because you need to be able to understand and realize what you want and need, because you need to be able to imagine it first and believe it as you see it, because you need to be able to understand why you do things the way you do, and act based on your own self-revelation. When we don't run our minds based on these components it is so easy to not believe and trust yourself when taking radical acceptance in your faults and being able to take accountability without judgement because you comprehend why you do certain things. The mind was meant to be used in understanding ourselves instead of using it as a tool to judge ourselves and or others for the things we came here to learn and evolve from.

Most of the time we only talk about the subconscious and the conscious mind, left brain/right brain, but don't realize that they only work as a bridge between these three components mentioned above. The subconscious allows us to tap into the vast mysterious of the world while the conscious mind allows us to ground whatever information we may have found or downloaded in either of these components and can experience what we call "holy experiences" or "enlightenment".

Me: "what is the purpose of this?'

Them: "To achieve a higher state of mind"

Higher state of mind, many see this as the experiences I mentioned above others also like to call it Christ consciousness as when Jesus was here, he was referred to as having a higher state of mind. So, as a collective we are meant to reach a higher state of mind and release ourselves from the limited believes from prolonged programing also seen as viruses in our sensory systems.

Me: "But isn't that to basic?"

Them: " No, because it is easier to fall from grace"

I think they were trying to say that it's easier to fall into limited believes than into thinking we are one into thinking we are more capable than we believe ourselves to be because of our earthly life lessons we endure makes us believe so instead of seeing them as a way of building our character/ourselves, evolving into a higher version of self.

Me: "What does that mean?"

Them: "higher level of awareness and understanding of the axis within", "the mind is a tool that can get lost very easily when it can't or won't understand"

Me: "what is the axis?"

Them: "where everything is one, where everything is created, the becoming"

I was than shown this image

With this image the words mutation, destination, and awareness were said, and it made me feel like the mind is what helps us put out that energy by mutating/alchemizing the energy and sending it with awareness to its destination. For example, I get an idea and I want to manifest it therefore I mutate (regeneration/alchemize) the energy by removing that that can prevent growth, by embodying the energy I want to manifest than knowing where I want to plant this seed, " the destination", with my awareness (inner knowing) I now know my next steps being offered from this gestation process. In other words, impregnating the universe with our seeds of ideas and then being form like the above image and exactly like pregnancy.

This is where the connection was cut, and stream of downloads started to stream into my own sensory system. They called it "abundant downloads" because all that I needed to know was already with in arms reach I just had to be opened to receiving as now all this information turned into "inner knowing" in order for me to understand this information and to be able to express it through simple words placed into this scripture. When we become closed minded or limited to what we believe outside of us, we can become blocked from these streams of abundant downloads. When we become blocked, we are prevented from seeing our way out of things, from seeing different perspectives, we lack imagination/creativity energy thus making us believe we are powerless and stuck. When we allow ourselves to see all side of the spectrum, we become a fountain/stream of our own truth.

How to open the crown for success?

The best way I can help you, my reader, in opening up your crown for success is by being aware of your thought process (train of thought) and being aware of why you think the way you do and how it is limiting you in the moment because if it is limiting you than it needs to be broken. If your thoughts are not grounded than you can easily get lost in your thoughts thus creating illusions in your life that are not real.

It is also very important for us to remember who we are so we may heal and release ourselves from certain limited believes as well as systematic thinking. By doing so we can than access our soul's information and wisdom like a computer connecting to internet otherwise known as the akashic records.

Raising our frequency is a form of alchemy that lets us lift ourselves from the shadows of our own past mistakes and our own perceive thinking as it gives us the opportunity to see things from a higher perspective. By doing so, we can see where the problem or root originates in order to remove. However, this knowledge and or awareness can sometimes be too much information for humans to process or handle. Reason why the fortitude we gain through life is very important as it helps us gain the courage and strength needed for radical self-acceptance without judgement or letting others prejudice thinking tell us otherwise. The whole point of reaching crown success is to be able to be a free thinker and well-grounded in the soul's truth of self as that is where we find our souls purpose without having the outside distractions telling us who or what we should be or think.

The more we open our crown, the more spiritual accelerations a soul has as an individual, as a group of star seeds, as a collective and whole. We start to realize that all that we worry about on our day-to-day basis really doesn't mean anything to our souls' truth. Start writing a journal with your daily thoughts or take time each day to navigate through these thoughts to help you see your inner truth better. Removing yourself from certain negative limited thinkers can also help you expand your mind. Filling and feeding your mind with knowledge that ignites you instead of words and sentences that only make you feel small and powerless can have us stuck in a mental loop even if we consider them to be family. Allow your mind to be curious and explore the unknown as in the myths of darkness is where you'll find your crown success.

In conclusion, I hope you have enjoyed this passage and it has allowed you to open up to your own rite of passage within your own mind. Over the years I've come to realize that the mind is very powerful and when you realize this within your own mind the need to pray to a higher source will decline because you'll understand that the connection was never lost it was just forgotten.

written with love,

Ana Rios | Charmed Wisdom

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